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How to clean mussels and debeard mussels

Kitchen tips : How to clean mussels and debeard mussels

Prep Time 30 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Kitchen Tips
Keyword how to buy mussels, how to clean mussels, how to clean mussels and debeard mussels, how to store mussels, mussel, mussels vs clams, mussels vs oyster
Author Koushik
If you don't know how to clean mussels and debeard mussels then here are the step-by-step instructions on how easily you can do that after buying mussels from the market. Apart from that in this post, you will get to know how to buy the best mussels and then how to store mussels properly before cooking.
How to clean mussels and debeard mussels


  • Mussels
  • A firm brush to scrub
  • A damp cloth or Paper towel
  • Container
  • Kitchen scissors


How to clean mussels and debeard mussels

  • You can follow the below instructions on how to clean mussels easily at home before cooking.
  • Keep mussels in freshwater
    Keep mussels in freshwater
  • After buying mussels from the market now keep the mussels in a bowl of fresh cold water for about 30 minutes.
  • It helps the mussels to breathe and extract excess salt and sand stored inside it's shells.
  • Discard any open mussels
    Discard any open mussels
  • After keeping mussels in water, make sure closely cross-check whether your mussels are dead or alive for cooking.
  • To check this you can either squeeze them a few times or knock them with another mussel after that if the open mussels do not slowly close.
  • Then it is a sign that your mussels are dead. It is safe if you discard them and try the same way with the other one.
  • Rinse and Scrub
    Rinse and Scrub Mussels
  • Now using a firm brush to scrub the mussel's outer shell to remove any additional sand or barnacles.
  • Furthermore, rinse the mussels under cool running water and place them inside a container with a damp cloth or paper towel before cooking.
  • Remove the beards
    Remove the beards
  • If the mussels have beards, use a sharp knife or kitchen scissors to cut them off. This is the tough, stringy part that extends from the shell.
  • You know most of the mussels have a common thin, sticky membrane known as "beard", which is made of a lot of fibre that is attached to the mussel's shell.
  • To remove the beard from the mussels just hold the mussel in one hand, cover the other hand with a dry paper towel, grasp the beard between your thumb and forefinger and pull it downwards towards the hinged end of the mussel shell.
  • In this way, you can easily remove the beard from the mussel without killing them.


Cleaning Mussels Note

  1. Never use open-mouth mussels because it is a sign that your mussels are dead. It is advised always try to use fresh mussels for cooking.