How to get rid of fruit flies
At first check the sink drains , trash cans whether it is free from food particles and residue and wipe down the can with bleaching powder and make them completely dry before using them again.
For homemade fruit fly trap, remove cap from a bottle then pour apple cider vinegar cover the opening mouth with plastic wrap and seal the edges with a rubber band.
Now, poke a few small holes for the fruit flies to enter into glass jar the vinegar will attract the fruit flies, and once they're inside, they won't be able to escape the plastic wrap barrier.
For apple cider vinegar add dish soap trap , make a mixture about them in a bowl, as dish soap works to decrease the surface tension of the liquid.
Fruit flies to become immersed immediately and unable to escape from the solution.
Now for old red wine trap, keep a bottle of old red wine or stale beer near where the fruit flies were spotted.
The smells lured them inside the bottles, but the narrow neck of the bottle prevent them to go out easily from the bottle.
Now for using camphor In the kitchen area, where you keep the garbage box, make sure to light a camphor daily. The strong aroma of camphor and chemicals will help keep the flies away.
If you have rotten fruit use it as a fruit fly trap , in a jar pour some rotten fruit and add a small amount of apple cider vinegar.
Now, create a cone from paper and place the tapered end into the jar or you can plastic wrap the bottle's mouth and poke some holes in it.
The smell attracts fruit flies inside the jar but the paper cone or plastic wrap prevents them to go outside.
For store bought fruit fly trap place the trap in the problem area and dispose of it once the sticky area is full. You can replace the trap as necessary.