How to use a pressure cooker
At first, you must check whether there are any cracks or dents inside the cooker also recheck the whistle of the pressure cooker whether it is damaged or not.
Make sure the pressure cooker is cleaned well and is empty, add water after at least 2/3rd capacity of the pressure cooker depending upon the dish so that there’s ample space for stem build up.
You have to partially cook chicken or mutton with a dash of oil and a few spices. Then put them inside a pressure cooker with additional water to cook further.
For cooking beans and chickpeas in a pressure cooker soak them in a sufficient amount of water for at least 6 to 8 hours.
For cooking rices and grains except for wheat grain no need to soak them separately, just put the rice inside the cooker with the addition of water.
You have to use proper amount of water to cook dishes for soup not more than 1/2 full for cereal and pasta, not more than 1/2rd full and for vegetables and meat, not more than 2/3rd full.
Now tightly place the top lid of the cooker and place it on high heat when the pressure reaches the designed safety limit, the cooker will start releasing excess pressure by blowing the safety valve upwards.
At this point reduce the heat to a lower level so that the cooker continues to simmer and does not whistle still maintaining equal pressure.
Now for releasing pressure first turn off the heat when your food has cooked for the amount of time given in your recipe. if you have a quick-release button on the lid slowly released it from within the cooker
Otherwise, place the pressure cooker on the sink. open the tap and shower cold water on the lid until the pressure drop. This is the fastest way to release pressure.
Finally, move the safety valve upward. If there is no sound of escaping steam, then no pressure has left inside it.
Now you can safely open the lid and take your food out of the pressure cooker.