What is Purple Cauliflower: A Comprehensive Guide

Purple cauliflower is a nutritious and colourful veggie. It is very popular for its health benefits and visual appealing.

In this article, we will learn what is purple cauliflower, taste, benefits, uses and differences from white cauliflower. Are you ready to learn? Letโ€™s start.

What is Purple Cauliflower

What is Purple Cauliflower?

Purple cauliflower is a colourful veggie. It is like white cauliflower but vibrant purple colour. It tastes the same.

Why is it purple?

Purple cauliflower gets its vibrant hue from a natural pigment called anthocyanin. These pigments make it unique and also offer potential health benefits.

Anthocyanin gives it that beautiful purple shade and separates it apart from regular white cauliflower.

However, the exact shade can change based on how it is grown. But that lovely purple colour is always eye-catching.

Why choose Purple Cauliflower?

Choosing purple cauliflower is a fantastic idea to your meal. It is not about looks.

This colourful veggie shares the same taste and texture as white cauliflower.

But what sets it apart is the potential health benefits it brings with its colourful nature. Thus, Purple cauliflower is a smart and tasty choice for your dinner plate.

What does Purple Cauliflower taste like?

Purple cauliflower tastes like crisp, mild and slightly sweet taste as white cauliflower. In fact, you may not even notice a difference in flavour. The only difference here is in the color, not the taste.

Where to buy Purple Cauliflower

You can find purple cauliflower at various places. Many local farmersโ€™ markets and grocery stores carry it.

If you are looking for a wider selection then specialty stores and online sources are great options. So, discovering this colorful veggie is quite accessible.

What are the different types of cauliflower?

Cauliflower comes in many colours and shapes. There are various types. Each has its own unique flavours and characteristics.

White Cauliflower: The regular choice of veggies. It is mild in flavour.

Purple Cauliflower: It adds vibrant colour and antioxidants to your meal.

Orange Cauliflower: It is a bit sweeter and packed with beta-carotene.

Green Cauliflower: It has earthy flavour and is rich in chlorophyll.

Romanesco Cauliflower: It is known for its striking fractal patterns.

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Purple Cauliflower vs White Cauliflower: What is the Difference?

Letโ€™s dive deeper into the differences between purple and white cauliflower:

Color, Size, and Texture:

The most noticeable difference between purple cauliflower and white cauliflower is the colour. White cauliflower is white in color but purple cauliflower is bright purple in color. In terms of size and texture they are very similar.

Growth and Climate:

Both purple and white cauliflower thrive in cool, moist climates. So they share similar growing conditions.


The taste of purple cauliflower is very similar to that of white cauliflower. You canโ€™t find any major difference in the taste.


Purple cauliflower packs an extra nutritional punch. Its purple hue is a sign of more anthocyanins. These are antioxidants, giving it an edge in the health department.

Culinary Uses:

You can use purple cauliflower in the same way as white cauliflower. They work well in everything from soups to stir-fries. So, the difference is mainly in the color and health benefits.

How to prep Purple Cauliflower

Prepping purple cauliflower is very easy process. First, remove the leaves then give it a good wash. Look for any brown spots and trim them away. Once it is clean and trimmed, your purple cauliflower is all set to be the star of your dishes.

How to use Purple Cauliflower

You can use purple cauliflower is various ways.

Steam It:
Steaming purple cauliflower is a great choice. It retains its beautiful colour and tender texture. Simply chop it into florets, place them in a steamer basket and cook until they are fork-tender. Add a pinch of salt and a drizzle of olive oil and you are ready to enjoy.

Roast It:
Roasting purple cauliflower brings out its rich, nutty flavour. Preheat your oven to 425ยฐF (220ยฐC). Cut the cauliflower into florets, and toss them with olive oil, salt and your favourite seasonings. Spread them out on a baking sheet and roast for about 20-25 minutes or until they are golden and crispy.

Mash It:
For a creamy and colorful side dish try mashing purple cauliflower. Boil the cauliflower until it is very tender then drain it. Mash it with a bit of butter or olive oil, salt and pepper. You can even add garlic or Parmesan for extra flavor.

Add It to Salads:
Purple cauliflower can brighten up your salads. Cut it into small florets and toss it with other veggies, greens and your preferred salad dressing. The vibrant colour adds a visual pop to your salad.

Blend into Soups:
You can blend steamed purple cauliflower into soups for a colourful and creamy consistency. It is a great way to add nutrients and a lovely hue to your homemade soups.

Make Colorful Cauliflower Rice:

Turn your purple cauliflower into cauliflower rice. First, put it in a food processor until it is finely chopped. You can then use it as a low-carb, colourful alternative to regular rice in various dishes.

Serve as a Snack:

Purple cauliflower florets make for a nutritious and crunchy snack. Dip them in your favourite sauce or hummus for added flavour.

How to store Purple Cauliflower

Storing purple cauliflower is a very easy process. It helps keep this colorful veggie fresh and delicious for longer. Here is how to do it:

Whole Cauliflower

Refrigeration: The best place to store purple cauliflower is in the refrigerator. To start, make sure the cauliflower is dry, as excess moisture can lead to spoilage.

You can wrap it in a paper towel to absorb any moisture. Then place it in a perforated plastic bag or a loosely sealed plastic bag.

This allows for some airflow while keeping the humidity levels right. Pop it in the vegetable crisper or any area of your fridge with moderate humidity.

Cut Cauliflower

Airtight Container:

If you have already cut the cauliflower into pieces then put them in a sealed container or reselable bag. You can even add a paper towel to absorb excess moisture. This method can further prevent moisture buildup. Make sure your purple cauliflower stays fresh longer.

Check for Spoilage:

Always check it regularly for any signs of spoilage. If you notice any brown or slimy spots. It is best to trim them away to prevent further issues.

Purple Cauliflower Nutrition

Purple cauliflower is rich in vitamins like C and K, minerals like potassium and fiber. As per the USDA below is the purple cauliflower nutrition facts per 100 grams

Calories 25

Total Fat 0.3 g

Saturated fat 0.1 g

Trans fat regulation 0 g

Cholesterol 0 mg

Sodium 30 mg

Potassium 299 mg

Total Carbohydrate 5 g

Dietary fiber 2 g

Sugar 1.9 g

Protein 1.9 g

Vitamin C 80%

Calcium 2%

Iron 2%

Vitamin B6 10%

Magnesium 3%

What are the benefits of Purple Cauliflower?

There are various benefits of purple cauliflower are impressive. So, besides its stunning color appeal purple cauliflower packed with nutrients.

It offers vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and potassium. What makes it special is the anthocyanin which are powerful antioxidants. These protect your cells and boost your health.

Purple Cauliflower Recipes

Ready to put your purple cauliflower to good use? Here are a few recipes to get you started:

Purple Cauliflower Rice: A colourful twist on a low-carb favourite.

Grilled Purple Cauliflower Steaks: A visually stunning and tasty main course.

Roasted Purple Cauliflower: A simple side dish with a colourful twist.

FAQs Related to Purple Cauliflower

Can i freeze purple cauliflower?

Though you can freeze cauliflower. But it is not recommended for maintaining its texture and flavor. Freezing can make it a bit mushy when thawed. It is better to enjoy purple cauliflower fresh whenever possible.

Is purple cauliflower natural or is it genetically modified?

Purple cauliflower is a natural variant. It gets its color from anthocyanins which are naturally occurring pigments. No genetic modification is involved.

Does purple cauliflower taste different from white cauliflower?

Purple cauliflower shares a similar taste and texture with white cauliflower. The difference is primarily in color, not flavor.

How can I prevent purple cauliflower from losing its color during cooking?

To keep its vibrant color avoid overcooking. Steam or lightly saute the cauliflower. You can also add a splash of lemon juice or vinegar to help preserve the color.

Are the nutrients in purple cauliflower the same as in white cauliflower?

While the core nutrients are similar but purple cauliflower contains extra anthocyanins. These compounds are responsible for its color and offer extra health benefits.

In this article, we have learnt what is purple cauliflower, itโ€™s taste, benefits and its differences from white cauliflower. Purple cauliflower is more than just a pretty look.

It is also a nutritious and tasty addition to your diet. Now you can enjoy the benefits of this beautiful vegetable without sacrificing on taste or health.

What is Purple Cauliflower: A Comprehensive Guide

What is Purple Cauliflower: A Comprehensive Guide

Do you know what is purple cauliflower? Here we will learn it's taste, benefits, uses and differences from white cauliflower. Are you ready to learn? Let's start?


  • Purple Cauliflower


What is Purple Cauliflower

  1. Read all of the above instructions carefully about Purple Cauliflower.
  2. It also describes it's taste, benefits, uses and difference from white cauliflower.
  3. Understand all about tips and tricks to use purple cauliflower.

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